7 Dangers of Improper Waste Disposal
Waste management companies like Essential Disposal say there are still those who choose to dispose of their waste themselves. Most of the time, this is where some problem arises, especially when they're dealing with toxic waste.
The detrimental impact of improper waste disposal
1. Detrimental to Human Health
The improper disposal of waste will affect the health of the population who are living nearby the polluted area or landfills. A safe and professional broken garbage disposal is highly recommended, especially to the workers and other employees in these landfill facilities. Exposure to these can cause skin irritations, blood infections, respiratory problems, growth problems, and more.2. Air Contamination
There are some hazardous chemicals, including bleach and acids, that need extra care when being handled. Did you know that some papers and plastics are burned in landfills? This, in turn, would produce gas and chemicals that hurt the ozone layer. These air contaminants also pose a health risk when they diffuse into the air that we breathe.3. Soil Contamination
Improper waste and garbage disposal, unfortunately, the leading cause of soil contamination. Some of the waste in landfills excrete hazardous chemicals that leak into the surrounding areas. Plastic bottles, for example, release DEHA when they finally break down. This compound could cause reproductive problems due to the carcinogen, cause liver dysfunction, and weight loss. Not only will this affect plant growth, but is potentially fatal when consumed by animals and humans.4. Water Contamination
The wastes could seep through the ground, ultimately reaching groundwater. This water supply is used for many things, which includes drinking. The toxic chemicals coming from waste can also affect water streams and larger bodies of water.Marine life that comes into contact with contaminated water can be threatened as well. These will destroy and suffocate marine habitats and even harm people who eat seafood.
5. Impact on Animals and Marine Life
Improper waste management microwave disposal or even other appliances pose a great danger not just to humans, but more so to vulnerable animals. Being careless with waste and garbage could even kill some of these creatures.Animals greatly suffer from the effects of pollution caused by improperly handled junk. When consumed, styrofoam and cigarette butts are proven to be fatal for marine animals. Furthermore, animals who are exposed to grasses near contaminated areas or landfills are at risk of poisoning and other diseases.
6. Missed Recycling Opportunities
Garbage disposal prices vary from one province to another, with rates much higher in some. This explains why some people would rather handle the job themselves.In some cities, however, there is revenue in recycling. Those places that do not implement proper removal and recycling greatly miss out on this concept. They will also surely miss out on the resources that can be reused as well as the employment opportunities of having a recycling center.
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